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Friday July 19th 1861

AM  32° (3 A.M.) 28.375 Light N.W [[underlined]] Fine [[/underlined]]
M   48°  28.475  " [[ditto for: Light]] N.W. " [[ditto for: Fine]]
P.M.  28.462  Light breeze N.W. " [[ditto for: Fine]]

At 3AM I heard the Captain from his berth calling to the steward who was busily engaged getting an early breakfast:  'Steward'!  Here I am Sir, was the response presenting himself in front of Capt. B's door.  'What time is it?'  Six minutes past two, Sir.  How is the weather?  Haven't been on deck yet, Sir.  Well go ahead with breakfast!  Aye, Aye, Sir.

The Stars & Aurora last night.  The report to me this morn by boy on watch.
As I retired last night, I told the boy to see if there was a reappearance of such streamers as I pointed out to him while on deck - & also if any stars appeared.
When I 1st noticed the narrow belt of Aurora last eve it was white.  When the Sun began to paint the clouds at the N & N.W. in red then the Belt became of same hue.  Streamers from 

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1861 July 19 Fri

the West mounted up to near Zenith - & also the same from the East.  The Boy told me this Morning that the same I described & pointed out to him lasteve reappeared but was white or golden.  Says he - saw but one star which from the place in the heavens where he saw it I take was Jupiter.
IX AM.  Have just returned from helping Gardiner & Boat's crew off.
Started 4 1/2 AM - arrived at the edge of the flow open water where launched the boat at 7 1/2 O'Clk.  Back to vessel IX A.M.

Distance [[four sets of four vertical lines with a horizontal line through them]] 1/2 (x 4 x 2.4 =) (Each mark = 100)
Course *150°  (* on getting out in Bay in line with Grinnel Mt. near Whale Island.)

From point where Gardiner started took Magnetic Bearings Az. Compass Grinnell Mt.  332°
French Head  93°
Geo. T. Jones Tower  132°
Ice Flow  114°
Mt Warwick  153.5°
Out Ex. of Ex. Land  167°
Monumental Mt.  200°
Ex land N. entrance R. Bay  218°