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1861 July 23 Tues.

door to the officers & Boat steerers tent though Mate Rogers told each to take what they wanted for their families.
I have communicated to Mr. Rogers the Instructions of Capt. B. to him sent by me.  To-morrow Mr R. starts off to a long Island up the Bay (one Capt. B. attempted to reach but could not on account of ice).  He goes intending to return in 3 days, taking with him only the Innuit Crew.  The object is to determine whether there are Whales up that way or not.  Mr R. thinks Whales are up that way for the Six seen were all headed up the Bay.
My views are that the Whales are up nearer the head of the Bay than Ki-kuk-tuk-jan a from the account of "Sampson" Koo-Koo-ar-Chu - & Arturkpapu.
I feel heart-sad to find that Sharkey's wife is soon to die.  She cannot last much longer.  Her oft bleeding at the lungs has left her white as the snows of Meta Incognita - as poor as fleshley bones can be.
The little child of Sharkey is a very interesting one.  I can just make out to waddle.

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1861 July 23 Tues.

PM observation at Budingtonville (Pocket sex. Artificial Horizon)

h m s
X-01-35 ... 45°-26'
   4-05 ... 44 -52
   5-25 ... 44 -34
   7-15 ... 44  06-30
  10-20 ... 43 -25-00

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Wednesday, July 24th 1861


Another fine day.  Again back to the "George Henry".
Started from Whale Fishing Depot (Budingtonville) (h1-m13 4-40) h8-m33 AM.  Arrived at Vessel (12-40 4-40) VIII - P.M.
Last night I turned in beside Mate Rogers & Mate Smith in beside Mate Gardiner.  I slept soundly on Polar bear skin with covering of blankets.  Smith says he like to froze to death - went to bed - that is laid down without anything on except his day dress covered with perspiration.  He awoke at 2 (two AM) & found himself cold - got up & made a rousing fire in the stove & sat by it til breakfast was ready.
A lively scene Budington-ville this Morning.  Our Company getting ready for the vessel.  Rogers & his Innuit Crew getting in readiness for the trip up the Bay & the other 2 Boats Crews preparing for cruising for Whales.  I was amused at one sight