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1861 July 24 Wedns.

A light breeze from N.W. sprung up just after we started.  We up sail & made for entrance to Lupton Strait.
From the starting point (Tupiks) to entrance Lup. Strait we were 32 minutes a distance of 2 or 2 1/2 miles.
As we entered the strait we heard the report of a gun from the Tupiks.  Its reverberation like distant thunder as it rolled along toward Kingaite.  It gave me an idea of how slight a noise will fill the heavens with sounds of thunder.  After proceeding up the strait 2 miles ahead, the noise of waters met our ears - looked in that direction & in the middle of the Strait was commotion among the Waters.  Icebergs were being swept along - around - this way & that at a speed of 8 Knots per hour - so marks the tide in this Strait.  Piles of ice were being carried South by Compass - a little Westward ice was sweeping the contrary direction.  At length the surging ceased for awhile when everything seemed to be in unison for a race up the Strait!
We used "white ash" going up 

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1861 July 24th Wedns.

thus making out way rapid for the tide itself carried us fast along.
At (3-21 4-40) = h10-m41 AM I was landed on an Island midst Lupton Straits where the S.E. strait joins the Western thus & thence uniting into one continuing on to Rescue Bay.  I took only the following obs. as the tide was falling fast leaving it impossible for me to regain the boat from where I was unless I made my stay short.

(Pocket Sex. Ar. Hori.)
h m s
3-21-00  89°-06'
  22-50      20
  24-30      30

86°-47' at = 3-25-35 [[symbol: Sun]] Left limb to Center Sylvia Grinnell Isd.
Center apparently of Lup. Strait in Rescue Bay
87°-08' at - h3-m28-s30 [[symbol: Sun]] to same as above.
              3- 30- 50  90°-11'

Up to this Mountenous Island from entrance to Lup. Strait the Channel runs N & S by Boat Compass - the entranceS & Mountain Isd N.  Started from this