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Chro h - m
(3-50 4-40) 11-10 AM. At (4-40 4-40) 12 (Meridian) arrived at the Rescue Bay entrance to Lupton Channel.
Sylvia Grinnell Island from the Island where I landed for Ob. coming up bore E.S.E. by Boat Compass.
On making out of Lupton Strait a firm fresh breeze from N.W. greeted us. Sails were raised, oars taken in & away we bounded "like a thing of life".  It was the 1st release we had really enjoyed from Spikes "White Ash breeze" since leaving the vessel. This breeze carried us along till near French Head. By the by the ice has gone from the Bay some distance above French Head. Here at last the mortal remains of the unfortunate Frenchman have been carried out sea-ward & ere this perhaps rests quietly beneath the Waters that link together people of all Nations of the Earth. He ^[[now]] lies buried in the World's great grave yard.
A monument however marks the spot where he fought valiantly the last battle for life. It stands [highly[[guess]] to view wherever any one may be navigating in or near Rescue Bay. "French Head" is a monument as lasting as the everlasting mountains.
When within 2 miles of the flow saw Koodloo with the dogs & Kumitie in [[strikethrough]] way [[/strikethrough]] wait for us according to previous arrangement with Capt. B. ere starting from vessel. Oo kood-lear & ^[[his]] little companion & Isaiah were there too. At (IX-00 4-40) 4-20 PM we were on the ice. Boat lashed to the sledge & ready for our journey over the ice to the vessel. 
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Kood-loo had been out all day sealing & seeing us had hastened to the point of meeting us to bring boat in.
While getting boat lashed to sledge a seal popped up its head near by. Koodloo made 1st shot at it but missed. In a moment seal was up again as if inviting another trial from our marksmen. Smith "banged" away ^[["Old]] Reverecco", but seal withdrew too quick its head beneath the waters.  Again & again did that seal appear as if challenging all hands. Five shots did Smith make but the very instant the trigger was pulled down went seal, Whiz went ball & up came seal as defying in its looks & acts as ever. Strange to tell, we had to leave this bravado of a Seal still enjoying its delights in living a seal life. We had not proceed far before sledge showed signs of weakness in the lashings of one of the runners.  We were obliged to take off Boat & tighten strings by driving Wedges between them & the beams.  Koodloo while sealing found 2 "pik a nin-ny pussies" that apparently had died, or been killed by 

Transcription Notes:
Edited to denote inserts and strikethroughs Leaving this in the interests of moving this transcription along.