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1861 July 25 Thurs

PM Obs on Whale Isld. Continued
hVIII-m11-s50 | 68°-40'
       13- 50 |    -15
       15- 00 | 68 -00
       17- 00  [[symbol: Sun]] Left L. to G.T. Jones Tower  82°-49'
VIII-30-25 [[symbol: Sun]] Left Limt to G.T. Jones Tower  85°-34'
     32-57 | 64-15
     36-28 | 63-30 (Az. Compass bearing G.T. Jones Tower 136°)
     37-35 |    15
     39-20 [[symbol: Sun]] to G.T. Jones Tower  87°-26'
     41-30 | 62-25

All Alts. & angles of this day by Large Sextant with Index error subtraction of -1'-30"

I went over to "Whale Island" by getting down the ship's side on to a piece of ice & thus using it as a boat.  There is a clear space of water all around the vessel now, the ice having been cut away by Sun & tide rapidly the last few days.
I was surprised on visiting the tupiks

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1861 July 25 Thurs

to find that no provision - (no seal meat)  remained on hand.  Tuk-oo-too said she had not had anything to eat since the evening of the day I left for Frobisher Bay except a little seal Kood-loo's wife had given her last night.  My heart hath burned all day so excited was I in learning this.  Ebierbing, her noble winga is at [[?Og-bier-seer-o-ping]] engaged with other natives in assisting in cruising for whales.  He expected when he left that his nooliana of whom he is very fond would be well looked after (provided for) by us.  I feel - Well let me strike off onto something else.  I returned to vessel at V-O'clk P.M. - had supper 1/4 to IX making 12 hours without a thing to eat.  I undertook to come aboard for dinner but was foiled.  The boat [[underlined]] Coaling [[/underlined]] from America left without giving me any notice.  As supper was about ready, I told Capt. B. that Ebierbing spoke to me as I was about leaving to Whale Fishing Depot that Ebierbing said that he would like that Tuk-oo-li-too have some of the Venison & Ducks that we were about to bring up.  (I added) I find