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1861 July 26th Fri.

on coming on board.  He said in reply that he took a look that way this Morning & thought that he saw the blow of a Whale.  Still he thinks it is early for them in this Bay & that it is probable we both have been deceived.  The natives were sent for this eve to come aboard to supper.  The tide being much higher than when I went ashore they met with little trouble in getting them with the Boat.  Tuk-oo-li-too not coming with the others.  I filled a flask with hot tea & sent to her also sent her a hot roll.
Just as I was writing the last word (line above) I heard a cry & hastened on deck with the idea that Oo-kood-lear or her companion ([[space]]) daughter of "Suzhy" (both I had seen a short time before playing on the dangerous ice) had fallen through.  On deck I saw them both running hard as they could over the ice toward the vessel crying out Ninoo! Ninoo! pointing over toward "Look-out".  I ran down called Capt. B. up & we saw that the natives were out on Whale Island looking toward "Look Out", - & also saw 

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1861 July 26 Fri.

the dogs that were evidently in chase.  But ice - [[underlined]] the dangerous ice cooled us off! [[/underlined]] We have been obliged to come down knowing we could not pursue this lion of the North on account of the risks we would have to run from the treacherous ice.

Saturday July 27th 1861

AM  38°  Calm  Thick fog - much rain last night.
M   50   S.W. fresh  Fair almost [[underlined]] Fine [[/underlined]]
PM  42   W.  " [[ditto for: fresh]]  Cloudy

This Morning we find that the ice around the vessel nearly gone.  A [[strikethrough]] moderate [[/strikethrough]] strong breeze would soon dispel it all giving us free passage out.
At X AM, Sun burst forth in splendor.  Wind N.W. the western portion of the heavens cloudless while the Eastern is being swept by the now prevailing wind.
The Rescue's Hulk disappeared!  This Morning as we looked out to Cooper Island, saw that