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1861 July 29 Mond.

can be made up the Bay thence down the other side to the sea.
The 29th day of July 1861 is the day that first finds the "George Henry" able to get out of her Winter Quarters.  To the N. & N.W. we see open water - & hear the waves braking against the flow between us & them.  We had the pleasureable sight of seeing a pinnacled ice berg ploughing its way majestically along down Rescue Bay on the other (S.W. side) this Morning, thus leading the way for a grand march out of this ice prison!
The 28th day of July is the [[underlined]] latest [[/underlined]] that Capt. B. has been ice-bound with his ship in these regions - & this instance occurred in a harbor in higher Lat. than this.
hX-m30 AM I hear the cry of Capt B. on deck.  Sail-O!  S-A-I-L-O!!
I have just been up & was shown by Capt B. a Boat over the low part of Cooper's Island cruising up the Bay.  All hands will soon be about - & then shortly away we all go not returning probably for several weeks.

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1861 July 29 Mond.

hX-m45 A.M.  Mate Rogers & Boats crew, have in sight near the vessel coming in south side Coopers Island.  He is now aboard.  Left the others Lamb & Gardiner with the 2 Boat's crew's where they remained lat night down the Bay on N. side on one of the Islands.  They continue there till Roger's returns to communicate to them how they can come up.  R. was obliged from the course he make to drag his boat some of the way over the ice.
A few minutes before 12 (M.) Mate Rogers being down the Main Cabin communicated to me as follows:
On the day I left [[?Og-biew-se-u-ping]] for the vessel with Smith & his crew he (R.) with his Innuit crew arrived at the settlement (or Tupiks) of the Innuits beyond Evictoon - one hour after Sun down.  Here R. found Sampson (Koo-choo-an-choo) Ooog-juhe-al-lo their families & the old lady Innuits whom I met on my trip up Frobisher Bay last Winter.  Mate Rogers did not, for some time, recognize