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1861 July 29 Mond

negotiate a peaceable exchange.  His success was no better than that of the Message he had sent by his dual wives.  The next day - the day preceeding our arrival there - AnKoot started off having agreed with Mate Rogers to bring a letter from him (R.) directly to the ship to Capt B.  The very day I & the Company with me started back from the ship & on wh. Rogers with his crew started up the Bay, AnKoot again descended from the mountain on his base mission.  This time he put into execution a plan that he felt sure would effect his purpose.  With loaded musket & a huge butcher (seal knife) he prowled the night long around Koo-jes-se's tupik seeking the life of this noble inoffensive Innuit.  He had threatened that unless K. would exchange wives he (A.) would kill him (K.)  For 2 nights did this villain skulk around Koo-jes-se tupik.  The 2d night however Koo-jes-se took up his quarters in the tent of the Whalers so fearful was he that his life was about to be taken.  When Mate R. arrived from his trip up the Bay XI night of Friday last, he found Koo-jes-se thus

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1861 July 29 Mond.

situated (as described).  Ankoot learning that Rogers had arrived left before morning for his Mountain hunts.
When I called on Koo-jes-se & his noo-li-an-a, Tu-nuk-li-lien, the morning I came away I wondered why he was not one of the crew of Mr R.  but I see it all now.  He remained to protect what is dear to him as life itself.  The same plot was laid for Ebierbing last Winter by this same d-l under the title of An-Koot.  He (A.) wanted Tuk-oo-li-too-on to exchange one of his wives with E for Tuk-oo-li too.  Ebirbing would not entertain the proposal a moment.  He repelled such advances.  For weeks An-Koot sought a chance to shoot him (E.)  All this time E. kept with him a double barrel gun ready charged - ready to defend himself at all hazards.  For weeks every night the demon prowled around his E's Igloo with gun in hand seeking Es life.  From expressions I have heard there are numerous Innuits