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1861 July 30 Tues

Soon after making a landing this Morning on Whale Island, "Sharkey" with E-e-u-ar-ping & a Boat's crew of such Innuits as are to remain here started off across the Bay to French Head to get those left there yesterday on the way up.  Kood-loo took my Boat (an old one I have purchased of Capt. B. & with wh. I hope to make my trip to head of Frobisher Bay) & with "Suzhy"(Koo-ou-le-ar E. & T's Aunt) Oo-kood-lear & 2 or 3 other children Innuits as crew went out among the Islands (E.) Ducking & Sealing.  Occasionally I heard gun reports both from Kood-loo & the vessel.  Kood-loo returned at 4 P.M. having 2 Ducks only.  Wishing to manufacture some balls of the lead wh. I have for my rifle & Kood-loo's gun the thought came to my head that the hull of the Rescue had still some hard coal in her & that by taking advantage of low tide I could obtain it.  So toward eve, I, Kood-loo & Koo-ou-le-ar took to the Boat & made for Capt. B's Ghost (the Rescue's Hull).  The tide was still ebbing when we oared up along side - finding the water too deep in her for [[underlined]] fishing [[/underlined]] coal we concluded to push off & seal awhile.  A little way was made when we drew up to a point of an Island the object of this being to gratify the Innuits with me to kill some little Birds about the size of Robbins in the States called by Innuits Sik-yar-ung.  They were too small game for the expense of a charge from our fire arms - at least so in the estimation of the natives - therefore Kood-loo proceeded to throw with careful hand stones at them.  Though not shy yet he failed to bring down any.

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Additional to the preceding, are 3 pages & a fraction (beside [[underlined]] 2 pages observations & working up Supplement.) [[/underlined]]