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1861 July 30 Tues.

Knowing the object of this I cried out to Capt B. [[?Keis-su]]?  He said perhaps I might need it for something upon the Island (Whale I.) & that I was welcome to it.  Tho' I felt like the man who bid off the Elephant, yet I concluded to take the stove along over with me.  The thought of Coal - & now the actual acquisition of it - has made the stove a Blessing unasked - unexpected.
Sharkey & the 10 souls aboard arrived from "French Head" this eve.  Did not shoot a seal or Duck going or coming therefore a town now without a thing to eat, even the 2 Ducks already to be devoured by Kood-loo's family & the one I am with (Ebierbings).  Of course when I say not a thing have the Innuits have on hand, I do not more than have in mind [[strikethrough]] consider [[/strikethrough]] that I have a Barrel of bread - a firkin of damaged Salt pork (alas, the latter came from the Queen City of the West !) a can of Pemmican, 10 15 lbs coffee, 2 gallons of molasses & 1 lb tea, 1/2 lb pepper for my Frobisher Bay Expedition.  
[[right margin]] See p6 Aug 8/61 [[/right margin]]
[[right margin]] Consumed part of can pemmican on Whale Isd & left the remains there for E. & T. [[/right margin]]

It is to be regretted that Ebierbing, my right hand man for this Expedition, is so slowly attacked with the complaint he has.  I hope by good nursing to bring him up again in two or 3 days.  I have wisely brought over from the vessel my case of Medicines prepared & presented by the generous hand of Dr O.E. Newton of