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1861 Aug 3d Sat.

labor of an hour.  This gave me ease of mind so at or a little after 3 AM I turned in & slept soundly till Musical Voice of Ang-e-koo ("Jennie") broke in upon my slumbers.  Rubbing heavy eye lids I looked over & saw that "Jennie" (Kood-loo's wife) was at her calling An-Koo-ting for Ebierbing.  The latter with Suzhy & Tuk-oo-li-to were seriously (should I say solemnly?) engaged in the exercises making responses  - enthusiastically at intervals of the quickly spoken [[?scentences]] of "Jennie" as ever I heard in the "Love Feasts" of the Methodists of the States.  The effect upon suffering Ebierbing as before was marked benefit.  No wonder this people continue this custom of Ages among them when such effects are witnessed by the [[?syten]] of An-Koo-ting.  But whoever understands the philosophy of [[underlined]] Mind & body [[/underlined]] know well the unison that exists between them.  The body of one full of hope & joy - of one having a clear perception of

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1861 Aug 3 Sat.

the Beautiful & Good does not - [[underlined]] cannot [[/underlined suffer as one without hope - as one overwhelmed in Despair.  Hope & Belief are bright jewels to any one - but to the sick are all in all.
Feeling Ebierbing's pulse to-night & saying to him that I was pleased to find that he was better he said:  'All the same whenever Jennie ([[space]]) an-koo-ted for him when he was sick - always made him feel better.'  The medicine I have applied both in & outside does get no share of the credit but the Ang-e-koo gets all.
At XI To-day a part of Innuits with myself went out ducking & sealing among the Islands S.E.  We saw many ducks, & Koodloo had many good changes but with all his shots (some 15) he killed nothing.  I had along with my rifle but this is a poor instrument for killing Ducks on the Wing.  Nevertheless I made one shot during the day amidst a flock of ducks but misfired.  We saw several