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1861 Aug 3 Sat.

for ducking or sealing.  I know not how long this is to continue but I hope for good weather yet & that soon.  The Pemican I have, I deal out as necessity requires it.  A little to each of us seems to make all feel quite well - yet it is almost like taking bad medicine but once in its virtues are sensibly realized.
To-day Tuk-au-li-too boiled some of the pork supplied me!  O Cincinnati, well as I love thee, [[underlined]] how cursed is some of thy pork! [[underlined]]  Even hungry Innuit dogs refuse to eat such as I have!  Who can wonder.  [[?]] [[?scurvy]] is the punishment for eating such ship's [[?provisions]]?

6th Night In Tupik
+ Aug. 4th 1861 Sunday (+)

AM  E.N.E. Fresh & thick clouds
M   N.E.   " [[ditto for: Fresh]] Thick fog
P.M N.E.   Blowing strong thick fog [[?minnie]]

Last night rain again.  This Morning every appearance of continuance of bad weather.  I have made up my mind to make another visit to Capt. B. & see if some plan can not be devised by wh. I can start off at an early day on my Frobisher Bay trip.  The obstacles seem to be great in every attempt I make for that long missed for trip.  I know of no better way than to keep [[underlined]] trying. [[/underlined]]
Ebierbing certainly is one I have been looking to as an able co-worker in my Work, but I now fear his weak constitution, even if he recovers soon from his present sickness, will not be able to add to my support.  I must make other arrangements tho' at considerable cost.

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1861 Aug 4th +

It will seem as if I had accomplished nothing unless this contemplated voyage be made.  I must make it - [[underlined]] and will, [[/underlined]] God Willing.
I will propose to Capt. B. that I will try my best to be back in 2 weeks if he will so manage it that I can have E-e-u-ar-ping, Koo-jesse & his wife, [[?Koo-per-new-ney]] (Charley) & his wife.  Not accomplishing this, I think it doubtful about making this exploring voyage.  
I was about starting for the vessel at 2 P.M. but a storm coming on from N.E.  I was obliged to delay.  Another day lost.  Not really so for while in tupik to-day [[underlined]] I have learned something. [[/underlined]]  The ill success of our Ducking & Sealing yesterday was on account of Ebierbing's sickness [[underlined]] as all the Innuits here including intelligent Tuk-oo-li-too & Ebierbing sincerely believe. [[/underlined]]  They believe that it is wrong to work while one of their number is sick - especially is it wrong to work on skins that are intended "to keep wet out".  For instance - wrong to work making Kum-mins (outside or water proof