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1861 Aug. 7 Wedns.

Ebierbing has several times anxiously asked me what I was going to do he continued sick so long?  I have told him as often that I was in hopes he would be better soon.  To-night he & T. think I had better go without long delay - still speaking & showing their deep regrets that they cannot accompany me.  I feel heart-sick at the thought of leaving these dear children behind but the Work I have before me I feel I must do & do without another 44 hours delay.  Yet I shall make all due arrangements to that that Capt. B. may look after & care for these blessed - noble friends of mine.  I know he will do it.
To-night during ebbing of the highest tide the "Ghost" of Capt B. the wreck of the Rescue drifted out of the Harbor into the Bay & went sea-ward.  This may be the last we shall know of her.
The story of the "Killers - Capt B.'s information - Ebierbing's statement relative to Killers.
T's " " " " [[dittos for: statement relative to Killers.]]

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On Board "George Henry"
Thursday Aug. 8th

AM  N.W.  Light  fair
M   E     Modt Gale  fair
P.M.  N.W.  fair

Ebierbing slept better last night than for several past.
At IX AM while Kood-loo was on the top of our Island ("Whale Island") he cried down to Tuk-oo-li-too who was boiling our Morning coffee in the little stove given me by Capt. B. that a boat was on the way from ship to our place.  I ran up & was delighted to find it so - & yet I was pained, for I knew it must be that the desired arrangement had been made with the Innuits I wanted & that soon I must cease to be with my friends of the North E. & T.  
I hastened back - took my tin cup of coffee & dish of lump pemmican & made my breakfast.  The tears of T. this Morn as she stood by the little stove preparing breakfast.  My [[?survey]] & split the wood.  By this, the boat was at Whale Island landing wh. means any where you can get the boat into such quarters that you can jump out of the boat onto a rock