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1861 Aug 9th Fri
1st Enc.

Tuk-oo-li-too is indeed a noble woman.  [[underlined]] She hath been kind to me. [[/underlined]]  Kindness begetteth friends.  She is Kind to all.  I know not who is not a friend to her.
Before leaving however this morn the Tupik of E. & T. I wrote a letter to Capt. B. requesting that they should hand it to him when they removed to the Innuit village near the vessel.
From ship to Whale Island & also from Whale Island out, into the Bay encountered much ice this Morning that the wind & Tide had driven & drifted in from Davis Strait.
By V. chro (14 minutes past XII Merid. the men of the crew had shot 1 Duck - had seen 3 seals at wh. they made 6 shots.
By the by, 1/2 an hour after leaving Whale Island one of the crew raised a sail coming from the ship.  I could not devise what it meant - thought it possible that I had forgotten something & that Capt B. was sending the same to 

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[[start page]]

1861 Aug 9 Fri
1st Enc Lupton Strait

[[loose leaf page of observations and calculations inserted over top of journal obscuring most of the text]]

Page (7)
Supplement of Aug 9/61 [[?Fire]]

1-20-30 | 30-51-00
1-22-50 | 31-05-45
------- | --------
2) 2-43-20 | 2) 61 56-45
---------- | -----------
1-21-40 | 30-58-22
  22-27 | I.E. -1-30
------- | ----------
1-00-13 | 30-56-52
8-40-31 |    15-57
------- | --------
4-19-42 | 31-12-49
-       | Dip 3 feet 1'42"
-       | Ref 1-35  3-77
-       | 31-09-32
-       | 62-51-30 | .34085
-       | 74-12-13 | .01672
-       | -------- | 
-       | 2) 168-13-15 | .01672
-       | ------------ | 
-       | 84-06-37 | 9.01121
-       | 31-09-32 | 
-       | -------- | 
-       | 52-57-05 | 9.90207
-       | -        | -------
-       | -        | 2) 9.27085
-       | -        | ----------
-       |  8-35-17 =| 9.63542
-       |+    5-14 Equi
-       | --------
-       | AM = 8-40-31 

Rescue's Chro Fast July 30/61 by Ob. P.M. on Whale Isd 20-57
Rate 3 per D 10 = 30
m21-s27 Fast

Long. 64°-55'-30" W.
      65°-00- 00
        2) 4'-30"
Nautical Miles = 2 1/4

The point where I made these obs was nearly true S. of ship (Rescue Harbor.  
I can never make AM Obs agree with P.M.

I set Rescue Harbor down 65°-00'-00" & make that the fixed Long.  The obs of today differ 2 1/4 Nautical Miles.

Transcription Notes:
This page is rescanned on page 166 without loose leaf insert