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1861 Sat Aug 10

Arrive Budingtonville VIII-40 Chro.
Flag stiff up & enough for an apology for a fly dancing in the breeze at the top of it.
From appearance Island entrance Bay where "Rescue" entered last Fall 240° Az. Compass
Spent the time looking around the remnant left of the town - found a small bag of salt wh. is just what I wanted.  Took aboard several fathoms Whale line, tent poles &c
I saw but one piece of the frame of the Officers (Cap B.'s Tent.
Started hIX-m45 for head F.B.  Expect to spend the night at Niountalik, Countess of Warwick's Sound.  Going up with fair tide & light breeze South under sail but using also oars.  Bearing of the Mt. entrance Lupton Strait L. hand side going up  200° Az. Compass
A few minutes after starting, Frobisher Bay placid - not ripple do I see.  Thick clouds have set down all around save a bright streak ahead.  Kood-loo, one of my crew, a 'lazy dog' - the rest smart & of excellent temper of mind.
Thick fog around us - closing nearly all view of land & water.  The stillness of the waters alluded to above continued but a short time, the light breeze from the S. setting in again.
Now hXI Chro for 1/2 an hour under sail & Innuits all asleep except Koojesse my Boat Steerer.  The sighting of a company (?) of Ducks (swimming) marching & counter marching.  The turning back - the excitement - the noise (peculiar) made by Innuits - the Doz. shots but only one killed tho' near by.  The thick fog!  So thick as almost darkness - the delay of Innuits has made me obliged to consent to stop N. end Sharko - The flats -
Went into 2d Encampment (here)  14 2-m15-s00.  The

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1861 Aug 10 Sat

[[underlined]] perplexing progress [[/underlined]] with the Innuits on a/c the frequent stoppages for game!  Who could keep "Dead Reckoning"?!
The land about Budingtonville low - low all along the coast hence to this point save 1 mile back High land (Bluffs) commences.  Sharko very low but a little above high water mark.  Had it not been for thick fog should have continued on to Ni-oun-te-lik & made it our 2d Encampment.
"Sharko" in Innuit means long Low land