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1861 Aug 11 +
[3d Enc 3rd day out

hot supper ready for us on our arrival!  There upon the clean tide-washed-rocks of Oo-pung-ne-wing, the cerulean dome pierced with stern points from our canopy.  We made a feast on sweet, juicy, fresh "beef" - [[underlined]] Ni-noo! [[/underlined]]
Incomparable the relish with which I have partaken to-night the Polar Bear meat with its two inch coating of fat white as the driven snow!
The fresh meat of Ni-noo with wh. we have been blessed to-day exceeds 800 lbs.
Every one of my company participates in my joy in making the discovery I have to-day.  I may say we are all in excellent good humor with ourselves & each other - [[underlined]] & with every body else that we can think of! [[/underlined]]
A heavy sea has been rolling in all day from the South.  We have had a hard tug to-night drawing up the boat above the reach of the tide. 
Now we have a Ninoo, of course the Innuits will inflate the bladder & attach it with several peculiar Charms to a staff which must be kept in a prominent position - in the boat while we are voyaging - & on the tupik while encamped.  In 

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