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Supplement of to-day
On Island Oo-pung-ne-wing
3d Encampment - Frobisher Bay

Monday, Aug. 12th 1861

A.M.  S.E.  Fresh  Cloudy
M     S.E.  " " [[dittos for: Fresh Cloudy]] but [[circumpunct]] out dimly
P.M.  S.E.  " [[ditto for: Fresh]] Fair

It being near 11 o'clock last night when we turned in, were late risers this Morning.  Breakfast of Ni-noo, Sea bread & Coffee!
Gave the Innuits extra allowance of the latter articles on account of the exploits & work accomplished yesterday.  After the feast (for such it really was) Innuits Koo-jesse, Koo-per-neu-young & Kood-loo began their preparations for spending the day on a Tuk-too hunt.  Their arms were overhauled - locks &c cleaned & oiled - ammunition replenished.
They started off in my Boat at (h3-m10 4-46) h10-m24 AM, intending to return late to-night.  Tu-nuk-de-lien & Ak-Chuk-er-zhun accompanied the hunters thus leaving myself & Koo-ou-le-arny (Ebierbing's Aunt) the only inhabitants of the Island, Oo-pung-ne-wing!
I now proceed with my work - getting ready for