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1861 Aug 12 Mond

There is now provision enough on hand to justify this.  The addition of the Ninoo (Polar Bear) has made our stock abundant.  By this course, I can approximate in my "Dead Reckoning" while to do it properly as the Innuits have conducted since leaving the vessel, it is utterly impossible.
This evening, after I & Koo-ou-le-arny had eaten our supper of Ni-noo, we took a walk around to the N. side of the Island on wh. we are encamped my object being to look out for the return of the Took-too party.  We had not gone far, when Koo-ou-le-arny "Susy" called to me:  'Tak-Koo Irweik?'  (Do you see Walrus?) pointing to a long line of [[underlined]] White [[/underlined]] running up the mountain's side:  I looked around & saw what I took to be a thin stratum of White stone (Quartz) inlaid among the dark, moss covered rocks of wh. the Islands & all lands here N. are composed.  I was turning away to proceede on my course when I noticed a [[underlined]] peculiarity [[/underlined]] at 1st overlooked - the 'White' was not continuous but at even intervals or distances apart.  Seeing Koo-ou-le-arny's disappointment

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1861 Aug 12 Mon

in my seeming neglect of what she thought would be a curiosity to me, I made quick steps toward her, she being close by the "curiosity" as she supposed it would be to me.  Indeed it proved so, for on getting by it, I found it to consist of over 100 jaw bones of Walruses placed in line about 2 feet apart running direct up the steep sides of the mountain.  I examined some - the portions [[strikethrough]] seen [[/strikethrough]] which I saw were white as the snows of Kingaite - but a considerable portion of such was covered with the moss of Ages - undoubtedly a fact.
What this means I have yet to learn.  We came to a spot situated by the margin of a grass plot completely covered with blacked bones - bones of Seals, Walrus, Whales & Took-too.
Ask an Innuit of what animal is any bone you can pick up in his or her regions & he or she will tell you [[underlined]] instantly. [[/underlined]]  We pressed on 1/2 mile - reached a point of high land & looked out toward Ni-oun-te-lik but could not see the return of the expected Innuits.
Now near 10 PM & my company not yet back yet, it is quite light enough for navigating around here.