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1861 Aug 12 Mon

I fear they will not - (Another roll of thunder & earthquake from across the Bay Kingaite side!) - return tonight.  If they do not it will be doubtful about their return till to-morrow too late to start from here.  But the time will not be lost.  I have plenty of work here for another day.
The night is a fine one - a few stars visible.  Nights not dark enough here yet to bring out the host there is above.
Too-er-puk-ju-ce, I-Kan-nung Island, Ni-youn-te-lik - the Island, Ki-Ki-tuk-ju-a & many other places were pointed out to me by Koo-ou-le-arny as we stood upon the eminence looking out for Koo-jes-se & Company to-night.  She is perfectly familiar with all places in & around Too-nuk-jok-ping-oo-see-ong (Frobisher Bay).  Has been to Kingaite & on N. shore Hudson's Straits.  To-day I had her tell me how many days of fair weather & good winds it would take to go to head of the Bay.  After running over names of the various stopping places for se-nik-poo (sleep) keeping account by her fingers) she replied 'ses-sa-men' (four).  Now 11 o'clock night, the Aurora displaying its beautiful workings South across this Bay.

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{Thursday Night reached place 4th Encampment Toong-wine}

Tuesday, Aug. 13th 1861

A.M.  S.W.  Light Cloudy } Wind however changed several times during the day
M     S.W.  " [[ditto for: Cloudy]] }
P.M.  S.W.  Fresh " [[ditto for: Cloudy]] } Night Aurora

V O'Clock A.M. = I begin journalizing quite early this Morning for I intend starting soon from this, the 3d Encampment, as soon as my Company of Innuits get through their sleep which they are now enjoying.
Koo-jes-se & his party returned last night, after I had turned in.  It was a little after midnight.  They saw 8 Took-too but were not successful in getting near enough for a shot.
Already there have been 2 thunderings, [[underlined]] & vibrations of the very Earth itself [[/underlined]] this Morning!  What can this be?
[[square of paper obscuring text beginning next 3 lines]]
[[?]] on Kin-gaite side?  Or are
[[?]] of ice tumbling down the high ice
[[?]] over there?

Transcription Notes: