Viewing page 201 of 661

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[[square of paper]]
Aug 16/61
p (8)
vide 3.7

[[end page]]
[[start page]]

{Thursday Night reached place 4th Encampment Toong-wine}

Tuesday, Aug. 13th 1861

A.M.  S.W.  Light Cloudy } Wind however changed several times during the day
M     S.W.  " [[ditto for: Cloudy]] }
P.M.  S.W.  Fresh " [[ditto for: Cloudy]] } Night Aurora

V O'Clock A.M. = I begin journalizing quite early this Morning for I intend starting soon from this, the 3d Encampment, as soon as my Company of Innuits get through their sleep which they are now enjoying.
Koo-jes-se & his party returned last night, after I had turned in.  It was a little after midnight.  They saw 8 Took-too but were not successful in getting near enough for a shot.
Already there have been 2 thunderings, [[underlined]] & vibrations of the very Earth itself [[/underlined]] this Morning!  What can this be?
[[square of paper obscuring text beginning next 3 lines]]
Is there a Volcano on Kin-gaite side?  Or are these mountains of ice tumbling down the high ice & earth mountains over there?

Transcription Notes:
Reviewed This is a repeat scan of page 201. The square of paper obscuring the text is transcribed as the first page of this scan. The underlying text is transcribed on the prior page. The 2nd page is transcribed again with text revealed.