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1861 Aug 13 Tues

On returning Aboard G.H. Aug 8th
R's  V-34-28
G.H.   19-00
R fast on GH  15-28

On Leaving Vessel for F.B. Aug 9 
R A.T. Aug 8 - 20th X-06-31.5
G.H.  IX-51-00

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1861 Aug 13 Tues

For rate G.H. Vice journal July 13th Sat. (8th page)

Tabular form of Obs. for regulation of Chro rate
[[Description]] | [[Date]] | m s
Mean of AM & PM Obs. | July 1st/61 (R) | 19-30.5 Fast
" [[ditto for: Mean]] 2 sets Obs | July 7th/61 | 19-58 (?) " [[ditto for: Fast]]
3 " [[ditto for: sets]] Obs | 11/61 | 19-48
By Equation of Altitudes | 13/61 | 19-55
[[?]] usual Obs. | 18/61 | 20-26

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[[boxed]] This slip belongs to Journal Aug 13/61 [[/boxed]]

Latitude Connected of Oo-pung-ne-wing

N. 62°-44'-51"
Long 65°-30'045 W

Lat. of Ship Upper Harbor R B  62°-53'00" (Mar 22/61)
Lat Oo-p =                     62-44-51

Distance Ship from Oo-pung-ne-wing 13.39 N. miles

Direction of Oo-pung-ne-wing from ship S. 54°-15' W

Mar. 24/62 Upper Harbor