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[[boxed, upper left]] 1861 Aug 13 Tues [[/boxed]]

                            from [[?]] [[?]] 
Arrive Toong-Wine  13 1h-4m}
                      4h-4m} = 8h-21m PM   7h-39m

On "Iron Island" took following for bearings
(Dinner Point) that we last rounded  172°
Saddle Back Mountain  359°
President's Seat King-ite side  58°
Extreme of land toward Budingtonville  165°

The Coast as we have passed along has been sketched.  As I shall not have the time to enter every Bay to determine [[strikethrough]] its [[/strikethrough]] depth & configuration, their [[strikethrough]] to [[/strikethrough]] Islands &c I have adopted this plan:

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[[start page]]

[[boxed, upper left]] 1861 Aug 13 Tues. [[/boxed]]

which I am now adhering to.
While I take the position of Boat-Steerer (a position that allows me to have good views of [[underlined]] the Coast [[/underlined]] as I pass along) Koo-jes-se sits before me sketching Coasts, Bays, Islands &c all of which he is perfectly familiar.  The excellence of this plan is that he having become acquainted with every strait, channel, cape, Island &c from having passed over them time & again [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] he can sketch [[underlined]] as it is. [[/underlined]]  One unacquainted with new lands would oft times make great error by putting main land from Islands failing also to give proper depths of Inlets &c unless he had the time to visit every point wh. time I have not got.  On my return I take this sketch in hand selecting the principal Bays Capes as stopping places to take Sextant Angles & Compass [[strikethrough]] Angles [[/strikethrough]] Bearings by which to determine their true positions & shapes.
The day has been nearly a calm, obliging the crew to hard work in arriving at this place.
Between [[underlined]] Oo- [[strikethrough]] brn-nuk [[/strikethrough]] [[/underlined] mer-nung Island & "Iron Island" a heavy sea prevailed rolling in from N.W. (true)
It was astonishing to see my heavily laden Boat out-ride the dashing, heaving, irregular sea