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1861 Aug 13 Tues.

Toong-wine as far as the brief time has allowed me to view it, the finest region I have yet seen North not excepting any place in Greenland.  The Bay making in here is surrounded by magnificent mountains.  I think it (Toog-wine) a capital location for a colony if one is ever attempted here by the civilized World for the object of Christianizing this people.  A capital entrance for ships & harbors around in the bay that rival for excellence any in the world.  The Bay extends this way & that the Main waters protected from winds & heavy seas by noble mountains grassy Islands.

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{At Night of Wedns. reached 5th encampment Ming-ut-toon}
Wednesday, Aug. 14. 1861

AM. Fresh N.W. Cloudy but [[circumpunct]] out now & then
M. Strong NW " " " " [[dittos for: Cloudy but [[circumpunct]] out now & then]]
P.M. Fresh NW " [[ditto for: Cloudy]]

VIII-30 AM Koo-per-neu-ung shot a crow on the wing while we were sitting around at our breakfast this morn.  The natives are cooking Ninoo wh. we have given them, in our midst.  They are in good sharp appetite state - therefore the Ninoo of last [[image - cross]]'s work makes them of thankful heart - I doubt not if they know of their Father Who is in Heaven, they would with reverential souls thank Him, above all.  O that this people could yet know of Him Who blesses them!
While the balance of my company are striking Tupiks, I & Koo-jes-se proceede up the mountain near of encampment to enable me to take a look at the scennery around.
We are now on the highest point of S.E. part of the mountain.  The sight is extensive & one that does my heart good.  King-nite I can see from the entrance to Frobisher Bay for 50 miles up.