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[[note]] Arrived at Night Thus. to place of 6th (Tin-ne-took-ke-a-garn) Encampment.  An Island by channel we have to pass through in going up. [[/note]]

Thursday Aug. 15 1861

A.M.  N.W.  Fresh  Fair
M.  N.W.  Light  " [[ditto for: Fair]]
P.M.  S.E.  Fresh  " [[ditto for: Fair]]  Aurora to-night

While Breakfast was preparing this Morning 5th Enc. Kood-loo took his gun & went over W. to the Channel & shot a Seal.  Now VII AM Koo-per-nu-ung & Kood-loo have taken the Boat around to bring it in.
Every thing being in order aboard our frail but serviceable craft, I told Koo-jes-se I would take my Compass & tripod in hand & tramp it awhile on the Coast & when I wished would hail him & he could draw up & take me on.
This Morning we hoped for a fair breeze that we could proceed under sail but tho' breeze we did have, it was nearly dead ahead - [[underlined]] fair [[/underlined]] for those who wish go in opposite direction from ours.

This Morning took the following observations:

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A.M. Obs. 5th Encampt Ming-ut-toon

h | -
1-15-15 | 56-30
  16-36 |   -45
  17-48 | 57-00
  19-10 |   -15
  20-20 |    30
= 21-25 | 106°-24' [[symbol: Sun]] to President's Seat King gaite side
  22-50 | 58-00
  26-37 | 58-45
= 28-20 | 104-45 [[symbol: Sun]] to "Presidents Seat"
  29-10 | 59-15

29°-30' Presidents Seat to Little Pick Mt S.E. q it Pres S. 
By Az C " " [[dittos for: Presidents Seat]] bears 75°
Last Encamp (4th) bears  220°
Top of Mount visited yesterday  204