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1861 Aug 15 Thurs

Stop here VII-05

P.M. Obs. for Time &c on Point N. side entrance to Beauty Bay (B.B.) or Harbor

VIII-27-25 | 56-
     28-32 | 55-45
     29-50 |    30
     31-05 |    15
     32-18 | 55-00
     33-30 | 54-45
     34-45 | 54-30
     35-55 | 54-15
VIII-37-12  [[symbol: Sun]] to Mount Peak [[underlined]] 114-01 [[/underlined]] Bet. 2 Bays
     38-17 | 53-45
     44-20 | 52-30
     45-22 [[symbol: Sun]] to Peak of Mt [[underlined]] 115-58 [[/underlined]] Bet 2 Bays
     46-45 | 52°-00'
  IX-02-55 | 120°-10' } [[symbol: Sun]] to Peak of Mount {Same as} [[refers to 115-58]] Between 2 Bays
     04-07 | 120-30'  }
     05-10 | 120-43'  }
Az. Compass Bearing of said Peak 173.5

Meridian or rather Post Meridian tho 2 first [[?]] [[Noen]] Obs. in Bay before & next to B.B.
IV-56-20 | 81-28-30
IV-59-18 |    28-30
 V-04-35 |    22-30
   08-50 |    17-15

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1861 Aug 15 Thurs.

Peak of Sun's (to wit, Mt Between the 2 Bays) to the left to place of last taken Latitude Bottom of Bay  11°-09' (Sextant Angles)
President's Peak to Peak Bet 2 Bays  88-08
Mount Head to appearance of F. Bay to "Pres's Chair"  53°-30'

Bearings by Az. Compass from Point N. side entrance to Beauty Bay (B.B.)
Sugar loaf Mt. where I terminated walk from 5th Encampment  167°
Cape Between Latitude Bay (L.B.) & "B.B."  162°
Mt Bottom Bay over low place in Cape Bet L.B. & B.B.  180
Cape Ahead to wh. we now direct  27°
Highest Point of Land rear of Cape Ahead  8°
(Trend of Beauty Harbor (B.B.) N. & S. by Boat Compass)
From this Point (bet. Beauty Bay (B.B.) & one ahead

Started IX-40
X-50 Reach next cape on which I landed & took following bearings & Angles
Sugar Loaf Mount  181°