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The tide was near down. We must either pass now or await another tide - or go far away Westward to get up F. Bay.
It was an exciting time we had [[strikethrough]] it [[/strikethrough]] running that ^[[mill race]] [[strikethrough [[?]] [[/strikethrough]]!  Koo-jes-se stood on the bread cask that was at the bow of the Boat, high up that he might see & indicate the right passage between the rocks. He had in his hand a Boat Hook with wh. he made his motions & occasionally struck against this & that rock on the starboard or harboard side as it might be. We had the oars agoing - & sails up.  The breeze was a firm one from S.E. & Fresh. Had it not been for the latter we could not have made the passage so strong did the tide (- mill race like) - pour against us.
Koo-per-neu-ung was at the steering oar obeying every ^[[motion]] order that came from Koo-jes-se. Now & then, thump, thump against the rocks (tho' we draw but about 12 inches water!).  Once a dead set - desperate work set us on the go again. In 15 minutes we passed this dangerous place & were sailing finely for the sighted Island ahead where we proposed to breakfast. Our time when we arose would not admit the thought of loosing a moment in attending to anything that way - our stomachs tho' crying for more work in the digesting line we bid: wait awhile.
We started from mill race Island (on "Dry Land [[image - anchor]] [[strikethrough]] "Check [[/strikethrough]] "joke" 23 XI - m 00 Chro. 
I will have copy of the brief notes ^[[ [I made in pencil]] for reference
"Friday Aug 16th start 23h XI - 00 Chro having sighted back 
[[end page]]
[[start page]]
"to where we took Koo-per-neu-ung 
"aboard which bore 224[[degree symbol]] Az C.
"The calling up the natives early to take advantage 
"the tide now pulling for - strike tupiks & load in 
"15 minutes - the running the mill race.  Que-jesse 
" ^[[at the bow]] with pike in hand. Koo-per-neu-ung at the 
"steering oar, obeying every motion of Koo-jesse - I at 
"the sail. Fine breeze this Morn from the S.E.
" [Across the next bay 
" [XI - 35 4 Knots per hour under sail course 27[[degree symbol]]
"Arrive [[in blue]] ( [[underlined]] 0h-00m [[/underlined]] [[/in blue]] (XII-00 3 Knots per hour course 27 [[in blue]] ) [[/in blue]] 
"to an Island for breakfast
"I stand where we encamped last night bears from " here (breakfast Island) 207[[degree symbol]]
"Mount Newell (up the Bay) 314[[degree symbol]]
[[line with loops]]
Obs AM of Aug 16 1861
"Obs from Top Breakfast Island
"Last encampment (by "Mill Race") 218[[degree symbol]] Az C
h m s
"2 - 31 - 55  69[[degree symbol]] - 15[[feet symbol]]
"33 - 25 30
"34 - 28 -41

Transcription Notes:
edited to denote inserts and strikethroughs