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1861 Aug. 17 Sat.

P.M. Observations on Cape 7th Encampment

h m s | -
VIII-17-41 | 57°-00'
     19-00 | 56-45
     20-15 |    30
     21-36 |    15
     22-47 | 56-00
     24-04 | 55-45
     25-23 |    30
VIII-26-25 | 94°-41' [[symbol: Sun]] to Cape of Obs. of yesterday P.M.
VIII-33-60 | 54-
     34-30 | Forgot the Sextant Reading of the [[symbol: Sun]] Angle - I proceede to make [[?Ease]] of it
     35-42 | 54-30
     36-40 | 96-59 [[symbol: Sun]] Same = }
     39-18 | 52-45 By Az. C Same being 150° }
     40-40 |
     41-50 | 97°-56 [[symbol: Sun]] to same = = }
     43-48 | 98-33 [[symbol: Sun]] to " [[ditto for: same]] = = }
     45-40 | 99-00 [[symbol: Sun]] to " [[ditto for: same]] = = }

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(8 (Page (8) (Orig.)
1861 Aug 17 Sat.
2d Day 7th Enc.

Continuation of P.M. Obs on Cape 7th Encampment

h m s | -
VIII-57-22 | 49-00
VIII-58-20 | 65-30 [[symbol: Sun]] Mountain Peaks by a beautiful Harbor near mouth of Bay by present Encampment }
VIII-59-25 | 48-30 }
  IX-00-40 | 65-00 [[symbol: Sun]] to same = = }
     02-15 | 47-58-30 }
      4-40 | 64 03' [[symbol: Sun]] to same = = }
      6-10 | 63-43 [[symbol: Sun]] to same = = }
      7-25 | 63-25 [[symbol: Sun]] to same = = }
Bearing by Az. Compass of Same = 344°

Left Tangent of Ki-Ki-tuk-ju-a to Cape [[symbol: Sun]] 7°-12'
Extreme of land seen on this side F Bay [[?]] to Cape 3°-30'