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1861 Aug 18 + [[Sunday]]

(Obs. from 7th Enc.)

Bearing by Az. C of Mount in chain being the N. side by B. Compass, of entrance to the Bay in wh. we were encamped  11°
This [[?MN.]] were [[symbol: Sun]] [[?Marked]] & in Course on coming from place of Obs. on the P.M. of the day we made our 7th Enc.
Extreme of Cape extending little distance out into F. Bay beyond said Mount in Chain  22°
Centre of Island entrance Bay 7th Enc  44°
Centre of 2d Island to left of 1st & in line  55°
Rt Tangent of another still S of 2d but extending past sighting L.T. on a/c the land on wh. was 7th Enc. hiding it  70°
Entrance to a branch of main Bay making N. by B.C or opposite side from 7th Enc.  353
Bearing to upper part of main bay where it branch around behind mountains  260°
Trend of Bay on side of 7th Enc  242

Start from place 7th Enc. "Tounge Cape"!
h1-m50 Chro wh. is about 8 A.M. 7th Enc Time
Breeze being from ahead of course under oars
The weather fine.  Just as we started another gun reports to wh. we responded by firing our arms.

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1861 Aug 18 + [[Sunday]]

Seals were numerous.  Koo-per-neu-ung fired on one & missed.  He fired at seal No2 missed.  Koo-per-neu-ung & Kood-loo disposed to seal.  
I request that we should go on quick.  They responded by going ahead.  At 9 AM wind stronger from N.W.  Head wind.  h9-m23 AM a report away from King-gaite side as if a hundred cannon had been discharged all at once?  There is some ice in the various Bays that we pass - Ice bergs.  Now & then quite numerous floating pieces - as well as Ice-bergs - out in the Main Bay.  We approached an Ice-berg to-day that had a tongue striking out from its Apex - my eyes were off of it for a moment when on it again as by magic it was changed to one altogether different in appearance.  One would declare it not the same, yet on watching it found that the seas that dash every now & then rolled it one side up & then another.
At hIX-m50 AM the announcement by Koo-per-neu-ung that he saw Koo-jes-se awaiting our arrival.  At same time the cry by Innuits Kood-loo 'Ki-Ki-uk-ju-a' to the W (True)  The crew in joy!  
A moments stop & on we went the Ki-a approach