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1861 Aug 18 + [[Sunday]]

- | By (Bearing) of Mt. (symbol: Sun) Termination of precipitous Mts = 93°
1/4 + mile from Cape O.G. to my getting on | Trend of [[underlined]] Islands [[/underlined]] running out as from this Cape (These islands the ones north of the Bay by Tongue Cape)  153
- | Bearing President's Seat  133
- | " [[ditto for: Bearing]] [[symbol: Sun]] mark in Mt K.G. side  126
- | Ahead sharp Peak Mt.  333
- | Deep cut of a long high Mt Isd.  355
- | Descend, but when in Boat missed glass (opera glass) & had to return  Went on - & Boat made land for me.
- | Started V-20 from O.G.
Start V-20 (5) | Ar-tark-pa-ru B. steerer while Charley (Koo-per-neu-ung) is in his (A's) Ki-a sealing.  V-35, hear the natives ahead in great glee at our approach.
Arrive & stop | Noo-oo-ter-Koot Innuit (name H) of Opera G Cape
V-45 s(5) to this Innuit village | V-45 Arrive at Tupiks of An-na-wa, Shev-ek-Koo Es-e-lo &c.  The ladies making Ki-a - 3 under skin tent all at work sewing - the interesting sight.  The braided thread of (sinew of White Whale H.)  The drying of Took-too meat & Ook-gook meat in the Sun.  The visit to Artarkparu's Tupik - I & [[/quotation]]

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[[start page]]

1861 Aug 18 + [[Sunday]]

- | Koo-jes-se feast on raw took-too.  The present of my pocket full of dry took-too.  
[[image: drawing]]
- | My trial in A. Ki-a - Like a child's learning to walk - to balance in one!  All gone Took-tooing but old man A. (Ar-tark-pa-ru)  Koo-jes-se takes my place (in Ki-a) & exercises in throwing [[?lance]]  Tracking by crew & self
- | Important Information gained!  
Started VII-45 (7) | We had bid Ter-bou-e-tie to all & were fairly under way when the thought came into mind that I might derive some knowledge relative to the Iron, Brick &c at Ni-oun-te-lik.
VIII-00 (7)  My present to A. | I immediately stopped & ordered crew to stern.  A. still seated on the rocks - took Koo-jes-se & went to him (A.)  Said when he was a boy the coal he saw.  I asked him Where?  He said Ni-oun-te-lik - said when his father was a boy he had seen it there - had seen "heavy stone" on the point of Oo-pung-ne-wing - had seen brick N.  Some were there now but not

Transcription Notes:
Each line commences with a quotation mark. Not transcribed. This text denoted by [[quotation]]