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[[in red]] 10 [[/in red]]
[[strikethrough]] 38 [[/strikethrough]] 
th Day 
Arrive to 9th Encamp. Cape Mon. Eve a Cape N. side by Camp. of the deep Bay just crossed
Monday, Aug. 19th 1861
A.M. N.W. Light Cloudy but [[symbol: Sun]] out now & then
M N.W. very light " " " " " [[dittos for: Cloudy but [[symbol: Sun]] out now & then]]
P.M. N.E. Smart breeze with rain.
At 10 1/2 A.M we were in readiness to start from 8th to 9th Encampment. Before I placed myself in the Boat, I went upon an eminence & hastily took AM obs for time, variation of Compass etc.
There are ^[[a]] few Islands & shoal near Cape of 8th Enc. I have copy notes - 
At h3- m15 Chro. (10 1/4 AM) we started. 
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Now crossing mouth of deep Bay. A long Island (called by Innuits 'Ki-ki-tuk ju-a' the 2d Island of that name in Frobisher Bay) runs across upper of the bay now crossing. Koo-jes-se says that he has been to said long Island & that the bay extends a considerable ways beyond the Island.  The Island appears to be 10 miles distant from the Course we take across the entrance to the Bay. At h3-m53 chro (10-53 AM) we stop
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