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1861 Aug 19 Mon
9th Enc. Day

power of 3 Innuits that the boat might be wheeled into direction of the seal.  I had the steering oar & was seated on the [[space]].
The steering oar being deep at the moment in the water & not having time to sweep it around lift it from the aqueous element it struck me in the side & came near knocking me over the side of the Boat into the briny deep.  An instant & eventful grasp against the gunwale saved me from a complete "souse".  The Innuits a splitting their sides at the joke wh. to me appears to be "all on their side of the house".  
General trend of opposite side of deep Bay from 8th Enc. E.N.E.
At hVIII-m20 Chro made the Cape of this the 9th Encamp.  As we made it Koo-jes-se's sharp eyes discovered Westward a black spot on a piece of floating ice as he thought.  He took the glass & said it was an Ook-gook.  Koo-per-neu-ung took a look & was like Koo-jes-se - all fire!  The spirit was caught by all but myself for I felt too sadly of the almost immeasurable annoyance the frequent stoppages to seal cause me in measuring distances for determining width of bays & keeping Log.
I have to-day thought that for exploring purposes Innuits are not of the serviceable auxiliaries I took them to be.  When any kind of game is about, they are in for that, [[underlined]] & nothing else! [[/underlined]]  Well the Innuits wanted to go for Ook-gook - the indications of a coming storm being strong as it was from appearance raining hard up the Bay & thinking that we would soon be obliged to make Enc.  I told them to put me

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1861 Aug 19 Mon
9th Enc. Day

ashore with my compass & tripod & they might go for Ook-gook.  Taking a slice of Dried Took-too meat & a liberal piece of Tood-nook (the latter Took-too tallow white as snow - [[underlined]] & luxurious as ambrosia, [[/underlined]] I suppose) for the [[underlined]] inman [[/underlined]] (?) I was soon over the bow of the boat & onto [[underlined]] Terra-firma. [[/underlined]]
Spending a few moments among some gigantic old rocks that Time had fingered picking out here & there mosses that left the remainder as monsters to tell what Ages can do, I wandered away up the mountain.  I came across an Innuit grave stones piled up in such a way as to leave just room enough for the dead without a stone touchin it.  The stones were covered with moss of generations.
Occasionally I looked out to see progress of Boat after Ook-gook.  The approaching rain clouds told me that we would get caught before erecting Tupiks.  The thickness of the weather prevented all sighting in the distance.
The rain storm came & I [[strikethrough]] made for [[/strikethrough]] hastened to get under the lee [[strikethrough]] side [[/strikethrough]] of a friendly ridge of rocks where I could watch the movements of Koo-jes-se & company.
I saw what appeared to me Ook-gook & many smaller