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1861 Aug 19 Mon
9th Enc. [[strikethrough]] 8th [[/strikethrough]] Day Out

rocks - (such shelves as time hath eaten out till Tupiks could be erected.  I would here insert my return joke on Koo-jes-se for his stating if I said so we would go on that night - the night we met dry land.  On his marking the land for me on his return for the Ook-gook I said to him:  '[[?Nan]] tima Ook-gook!'  He & all the others enjoyed a hearty laugh in answer.
A hearty greeting did I have from all my good friend Innuits - but alas one draw back - one heart sorrowing matter to me, poor "Susy" (Twe-oon) is fast going.  She, noble woman, is soon to be no more of earth.  Consumption is her ailment.  She called on me soon Tupiks were up - brought me in a large piece of Took-too meat & Took-noo (Took-too tallow).  She was always since I 1st met her Kind, very Kind to me.  Here too I meet Jack's father one of the Se Ko sealers whom I met at the vessel - so of her husband.
She (Twee-oon) is mother of Koo-per-neu-ung one of my crew.  Her 1st husband dead.
Near the shade of night I took a walk over the hills.  I was astonished to see Took-too moss (reindeer moss) so abundant - the ground about the little Harbor where we are is covered with it.  Took-too tracks numerous.  In fact paths are made at various places here by the Rein deer.  A feast to-night out on the rocks on the dissection of the Ook-gook.
Four Innuits acted in capacity of carving.  They handle knives dexterously.  They know every spot of every animal, fish or fowl that is their country.  You cannot show them a bone or piece of one but they will tell you instant to what it belonged.

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1861 Aug 19 Mon

A.M. Obs. on Cape 8th Enc.
Made the day of leaving it.

h m s | -
2-01-45 | 61°-30'
2- 3-15 |     45
   4-40 | 62-00
   6-05 |    15
   7-33 |    30
   8-25 | [[symbol: Sun]] to Peak Mt. of range in Long Island in F. Bay = 102-20
  10-32 | 63°-00
  12-05 | [[symbol: Sun]] to same  101-35
  13-25 | [[symbol: Sun]] to " [[ditto for: same]]  101-14
  15-00 | [[symbol: Sun]] to " [[ditto for: same]]  100-54
By Az Compass " [[ditto for: same]]  62°-30
Reversed - 242°-00
[[symbol: Sun]] Marked Mt to O. Glass Cape  90°-52'
Same to "Presidents Seat"  75-30
O.G. Cape to Mt. sharp Peak opposite side Bay crossed last night yesterday  3°-25
[[symbol: Sun]] Marked Mt. carried to the right to high Mt.  24°-00