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Spent 2 - Days at 9th Enc.
13th Day Out

Arrived at 10th Encamp this P.M. on the coast near the Head of the Island Ki-ki-tuk-ju-a, the 3d Island in F. Bay of that name.

Wednesday, Aug, 21st 1861

AM  N. Fresh Fay Cloudy
M  N.W. " [[ditto for: Fresh]] Cloudy & cold
PM  NW Light " " [[dittos for: Cloudy & cold]]

The weather did not look inviting this Morning so we continued in Enc. (the 9th) till satisfied that we could make some progress to the object of my desires to wit head of Frobisher Bay.
The Inuits here we met yesterday have accompanied us to this our 10th Enc.  Here they expect to make a stop of several days, the men Innuits Took-tooing & occasionally Sealing.
All parties struck tupiks together - started to-gether & came here in company.
I traded with "Mr. Miner" this as all White people call him (who is one of A. No 1 Innuits) for 2 beautiful Took-too skins.  I gave him what I thought - what indeed was an