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1861 Aug 21 Wedns
10th Enc. 13th Day out

an equivalent - giving him Powder, Box of (100) Caps & [[?Cud-low-yen]] (Buck shot).  I took great pleasure yesterday Morning & this in furnishing sick susy ([[space]]) with a cup of hot & bread for which she has good relish.  She says nothing tastes good to her although they have plenty of took-too Seal, Ducks, & nou-yers.  But coffee & bread seems to go well.
While my Company were loading the boat I took a walk on to the mountain for Sights.  Koo-jes-se & Kood-loo put me across the little harbor between 9th Enc. & it & returned to their work.  I was much disappointed in finding fog setting down almost all around.  By waiting awhile I was enabled to catch a few bearings of the places as below.
Sighted back to our 8th Enc.
The mount by 8th Enc. on which I found fossil shells bore by Az. C. 220°
Exact spot of Enc. (8th) by Az. C.  214.5
[[note for the two preceding observations:]]  (See Sept 17 1861) [[/note]]
[[checkmark]] Exact spot of 9th Enc. carried to Right to S. Island by Enc. 9th (sextant)  71°
[[checkmark]] Exact spot of 9th Enc. carried to left to N. Mount 1/2 [[?mile]] off Enc. 9th (sextant)  99°

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1861 Aug 21 Wedns
10th Enc. 13th Day out

Island Mount (S) & close by Enc  145
Mountain (N) " " " [[dittos for: close by Enc.]]  317
To a remarkable high Island seen before (in the midst F. Bay) = 158°

[[image:  drawing of mountain]]
[[underlined]] I find I am Drawing a black Cloud! [[/underlined]]

Of all the curious freaks of Nature, I never witnessed one more palpably deceptive to the human eye than the one now before me.  It has all the appearance of a rock mountain rising boldly up from the sea.  Had it not been that I was attempting to give its contours, I would not have discovered my error when nearly through with the moment's sketch above, I noticed quite a change in the pinnacle as well as other parts of the mountain.  On close watching I discovered a slow change going on.  In the 10 minutes I especially observed it, it assumed as many mountain shapes & all of the awe-inspiring character as the fancy could picture.  The mountain of grandeur I found to be but a cloud!