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1861 Aug 21 Wedns
10th Enc  13D out

4-15 (6)s | 4-15 even with another point nearly NE by Compass on Course
- | Depression but slight
4-30 (7)s | Long high Island at our left 3 or 4 miles
Stop | 4-40 stop for M. Obs.  [[symbol: Sun]] Alt 76°-40'
4-40 Start | A Mountain that I intended ascending but had not time before [[symbol: Sun]] reached Mn.
V-20 | Boat boats - V(?) H
Stop | Stop VII-45 on small Cape 
VII-45 | Bearing of place of Obsn Lat 146°
Start | [[underlined]] The Ice bergs left dry [[/underlined]] = {by preceding tide H.
VIII-10 | [[strikethrough]] Both Boats [[/strikethrough]] IX-35 stop 10th Enc.
Stop | -
IX-35 | PM Obs 10th Encampment
- | X-20-48  28°-55' Small Sex
- |   26-36  27 -37
- |   28-18  27 -13
- |   40-32  24°-30'

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[[start page]]

1861 Aug 21 Wedns
10th Enc  13th D out

hX-m44-s45 [[symbol: Sun]] to Left to mark in Island  120°-00'
 X- 47*-15  120-40 [[note]] * See orig. Notes No. 7 Book [[/note]]
 X- 48 -25  121-12
Latitude Mt. to the left [[symbol: Sun]] mark  6°-10'
[[circumpunct]] Mark carried to R. to Peak Ki-Ki-tuk-ju-a [[checkmark]] 42°-50'
Same carried to R. Tangent Ki-Ki-tuk-ju-a  [[checkmark]] 102°-77'
Mount by wh. Latitude was taken bears by Az. Compass (from 10th Enc.)  [[checkmark]]  146°
[[symbol: Sun]] mark in Island bears  140°
h12-m40 Chro Tide up here 10th Enc

The seal shot in harbor last night by Miner.  The took-too hunt - Partridges - Tunukdelien shot 2!  The Ange-Kooting this night!  The ice still fast around the shores - the Moss - grass

Transcription Notes:
On the 1st page every line commences with " (denoting quotation mark) - not transcribed. Two columns - 1st with times, 2nd with text