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14th D 
"uncivilized state, they will [[strikethrough]] be [[/strikethrough]] so 
"continue until Educated[[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] in the 
"White Whale seen close by where 
"we are - on the rocks cutting up Ook-gook  
"A fresh breeze from S.E. sprung up - this 
hastened all hands of both Boats.
Start | h m
h m   | Start X - 00 Chro - under Sail - other
X-00  | boat the same - Ook-gook Ook-gook
[[encircled]] 8 [[/encircled]] | left on the rocks - 
      | most of meat given
X - 10| to other party who deposited it under 
[[encircled]] 7 [[/encircled]] | rocks on the Island.
      | Seal & Ook-gook very numerous here! 
X - 15| (of Ook-gook)
[[encircled]] 7 1/2 [[/encirlcled]] |
      | Arrive to N side the bay just crossed 
X - 25| h X-m 20
[[encircled]] 7 [[/encircled]] | The Island wh. is a small one 
      | but nevertheless I will designate 
      | Ook-gook Island!
      | X-20 commenced crossing another 
      | Bay.
X-30  | As we turned the last Cape, ahead 
[[encircled]] 7 [[/encircled]] | 
[[bracketed in red]] 33 feet Log line [[/bracketed in red]] | a great distance off, [[underlined]] is the head of the 
      | Bay! [[/underlined]] The land now on the side we are [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]]
[[end page]]
[[start page]]
"crossing is low compared 
"to what we have passed. 
"A strange but interesting sight 
"the land or mountains on N. side of [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]]
"Frobisher Bay - not a particle 
of snow. On Kin-gaite side one looking 
"up the Bay sees the land without snow 
"while opposite where we are now sailing 
"snow in Drifts are seen scattered over the land
"Looking S.E. the farther the eye goes, the more "snow, till it rests on Eternal Snow Mountains.
h m | - | 
X-45 [[encircled]] 7 [[/encircled]] | XI-00 [[encircled]] 9 [[/encircled]] | "Bay now passing from 1/2 to 2 miles deep.
- | XI-15 [[encircled]] 8 [[/encircled]] | [[strikethrough]] An Island I find is near the entrance of this Bay we are now passing. It is 1 1/2 to 2 miles long.
Tide been helping us | - | -
42 Mile per hr | Now XI-16 & 1 [[encircled]] 6 [[/encircled]] | "The bay may be as I stand up in t
"he boat 4 or 5 miles deep.
- | XI-30 [[encircled]] 7 [[/encircled]] | Land "around Bay smooth grassy & low.
- | XI-30 XI-38 [[encircled]] 8 [[/encircled]]  XII-00 [[encircled]] 7 [[/encircled]] | I see a light kind of stone cropping "out of an Island. I have told "Dick" 
| "who is in his Ki-a if he would go &