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1861 "Head of    }
[[underlined]] Frobisher Bay" [[/underlined]] }
Arrive at 12th Enc. Eve 
of Fri 15th day out.
Friday, Aug 23d, 1861
A.M. S.E. Light pleasant
M NW " " [[dittos for: Light pleasant]]
PM NW " " [[dittos for: Light pleasant]]
Bearing of Mt. of the Island Ki-ki-tuk ju-a by Az. Compass - - - 163[[degree symbol]]
Extreme point N. side (by C.) of 1st Bay passed after leaving Ki-Ki-tuk-ju-a (A) 158[[degree symbol]]
- of 2d point [[encircled]] B [[/encircled]] (the same) 158[[degree symbol]]
[[image - appears to be drawing of water way marked at several points with notations as follows: [[in blue]] For ^[[explanation]] [[encircled]] 1 [[/encircled]] see p [[encircled]] 1 [[/encircled]] of Aug 22d with line [[/in blue]], [[boxed]] Ki-Ki tuk ju-a [[/boxed]], 10th enc., Ook-gook Isd, [[encircled]] B [[/encircled],] 11th Enc., Place of obs this A.M.