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1861 Aug 23 Fri

Stop 3-40 | The other boat is this moment pulling oars for a seal just shot.  Great excitement there.
Start 3-48 (7) | Now crossing Deep Bay - to an Island
IV-10 (7) | The land at our right low & smooth covered with grass.  Koo-jes-se is in ecstacy - says capital place for Took-too.
- | V-25  Arrive even with beginning Island.  By the Coast - by the waters edge perpendicular rocks, not high [[?whi]] their tops are covered with grass.
- | Old mountains of rock now crumbled & grass!  Ducks numerous - Innuits up with guns!
hV-m00 | Must be near the head of Frobisher Bay - Can hear the roar of a Big river !
Stop V-07 Seals Start V-12 (7) Stop V-30 | Seals around us very numerous - stop at a point to land Koo-per-neu-ung & Kood-loo

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1861 Aug 23 Fri

Bearing of last Cape  160°

Start (V-38) V-08 (6) | hV-m55 land Koo-jes-se - all men Innuits now took-too-ing.  So it goes with Innuits!  As independent as perfect freedom can make them.
Stop hV-m55 [[note]] See original [[/note]] | Bearing of last Cape before reaching Isd. = 160°
- | Bearing of Point where left Koo-per-neu-ung
- | Bay 1 mile deep from the Course across this last = 170°
- | The flats here where Koo-jes-se landed -
Start VI-50 (8) | hVI-m55, three guns!  Now glorious weather.  Sea a mirror - under oars - 3 of my crew & little Su-Kong.  The hi-pung-er Boat of Innuits on larboard side mile off going same direction.

[[note]] *)V-08 should undoubted be V-38  H. NY Apr 12/64) [[/note]]