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^[[ [10 pages Aug 24] ]]
2d Day at 12th encampment. Arrived eve of Aug 23d/61 Fri. Ag-le-e tu[[strikethrough]] x [[/strikethrough]] ng[[guess]]
Saturday Aug 24th 1861
AM N.W. Fresh Fine weather
M N W Light " " [[dittos for: Fine weather]] tho' thin clouds
P.M. Calm & [[underlined]] "Fine" [[/underlined]] - Aurora
Another day that looks propitious of a continuance of [[underlined]] the [[/underlined]] fine weather since leaving Rescue Bay for the Head of Frobisher Bay.
Koo-per-neu-ung & Kood-loo did not return last night. The former however came in this morning having been brought across the river by the other boat. He brings in two Rein-deer that he shot yesterday. Has seen Kood-loo who had shot one.  This is our game list of yesterday
Koo-jes-se shot one very large rein-deer
Koo-per-neu-ung two " " [[dittos for: rein-deer]]
Kood-loo = one " " [[dittos for: rein-deer]]
Myself = [[underlined]] one Nowyer [[/underlined]] on the Wing!
total = [[underlined]] 4 rein-deer & one Nowyer [[/underlined]] in the P.M. of Friday Aug 23d - the day of our Arrival to the Head of Frobisher Bay!