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1861 Aug. 24 Sat.
12th Enc. 16th Day

long line of mountains of Kin-gaite - the mirror waters all around make one feel almost the spirit of inspiration.
Miner has made a wall or rather 2 of them across such side of the land that runs between this & the main land the same being covered when tide is full, for the object of trapping Salmon.  To-morrow morning we shall probably have this dainty dish for breakfast.  Koo-per-neu-ung brought me in a salmon today.  Is not this a land or region Self Supporting?  A [[strikethrough]] community [[/strikethrough]] colony here planting the seeds of Civilization & Christianity would not only be able to support themselves but add worth to the people establishing it.

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1861 Sat. Aug. 24
12th Enc. 16th Day out

A.M. Obs. at 12th Enc. by the river Head of Frobisher Bay

Index Er
On  33'-15"
Off 30 -00
2)   3 -15

h-m s | -
2-03-08  |  57°-30'
   4-38  |     -45
   6-05  |  58 -00
   7-38  |      15
   9-00  |      30
  10-34  |      45
[[checkmark]]  12-00  |  59 -00

[[note]] See p.121 Obn BK [[/note]]

13-10 | [[symbol: Sun]] to R. to snow mark in Mt Kin-gaite side  92°-45'
15-09 | 59°-30'
16-12 | [[symbol: Sun]] to same  92°-05
18-17 | 60°-00
19-37 | [[symbol: Sun]] to same  91°-16
20-38 | [[symbol: Sun]] 91-03
21-45 | [[symbol: Sun]] 90-48
24-53 | 61°-04'