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1861 Aug 24 Sat
12th Enc. 16th Day Out
2d Day in 12th Enc.

[[underlined]] showered upon me, [[/underlined]] poor humble soul.

P.M. Obs. at 12th Encampment
By the Salmon River Head of Frobisher Bay

Index er -1'30"

h m s | -
VII-43-07 | 59°-15'-00
    44-33 | 59-00-00
    46-07 | 58-45
    47-32 |   -30
    49-03 |   -15
    50-32 | 58-00
    51-50 | 57-45
    53-30 | 57-30
--------- | ----------
8) 386-14 | 8) 467°-00'-00"
--------- | --------------
VII-48-16.75 = 58°-22'-30" Mean
Sun obscure by veil of clouds used the green shades.

2d Set P.M. Obs
Index er -1'-37.5"
Used Red Eye Glass (only) on tels.

h m s | - 
VIII-09-58 | 54°-45
     11-42 |    15
     13-05 | 54-00
     14-27 | 53-45
     15-48 |    30
     17-10 |    15
     18-30 | 53-00

h m s | -
VIII-27-45 | 51°-15' (A)
VIII-29-00 | 51 -00  (B)
(A) Without Glass on Horizon
B.  With Glass on Horizon

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[[start page]]

{3d Day 12th Encampment, Head of Frobisher Bay}
+ [[Sunday]] Aug 25th 1861

AM  N.W.  Very Light almost [[underlined]] Fine [[/underlined]]
M   N.W.  Fresh Cloudy but [[symbol: Sun]] out
PM  N.W.  Light  [[underlined]] Fine [[/underlined]]  Aurora

3-30 AM  Another & another is added to the number of beautiful days we've had since starting on this expedition.  Can it be that such fine weather is [[underlined]] here [[/underlined]] generally prevailing, while bad weather every where else N. is the ruling characteristic?
This certainly is a fact that here at the Head of Frobisher Bay a milder climate prevails that at Rescue Bay & [[?otherwhere]] N. or, the luxiriant vegetation that is around here could not be.  The grass plains - the grass clothed hills are abundant proof of this.  I never saw in the States, unless the exception be of the prairies of the West, more luxiriant grasses or uncultivated lands than are here around - under me.  There is no mistake in this statement that pasture land here for stock cannot be excelled