Viewing page 282 of 661

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1861 Aug 25 + [[Sunday]]
12th Enc. 17 Day
3d Day Enc 12

A.M. Head of Frobisher Bay
By Large Astl. Tel. with 4th or darkest shade glass down

Distances [[symbol: Sun]] & [[symbol: Moon]]
h | -
3-16-00 | 122°-02'-30"
  19-15 | 121-59-45
  21-45 | 121-59-15
  25-30 | 121-57-45
  28-57 | 121-56 00

Distances [[symbol: Sun]] & [[symbol: Moon]]
By small Telescope same shade
h | -
2-35-50 | 121°-53'-30"
  38-45 | 121-50-15
  41-05 | 121-48-30

Meridional observations
IV-44-55 | 73°-13'-15" | 114.5
   49-05 |     15-45
   51-10 |     17-30
   54-33 |     20-00  | 112
   58-12 |     20-15  | 110.5
 V-00-35 |     19-15
 V-04-05 |     19-00
 V-06-45 |     18-00  | 108

[[end page]]
[[start page]]

1861 Aug 25 + [[Sunday]]
12th Enc  17th Day Out
3d Day Enc. 12

h m s | - | -
V-09-55 | 73°-14'-30"
  12-30 | 73-13-15    | 106.5
  15-25 | 73-10-00    | 105.5
  18-00 | 73- 5-30

On - 34'-00"
Off- 30 -30
   2) 3 -30
Index Error - 1'-45"

P.M. Obs
Index Er -1'-45"

VII-59-30 | 55°-45"
VIII 01-02 |    30
     02-25 |    15
     03-47 | 55-00
     05-10 | 54-45
     06-33 |    30
(A)   8 05 |    15
(B)   9-20 | [[symbol: Sun]] to Bluff Ki-Ki-tuk-ju-a  103°-24'
(C)  15-00 | 53-00
     16-15 | [[symbol: Sun]] to same  105-08
     17-40 | 52-30

[[note pertaining to (A)(B)(C)]] See p.99 Ob. Bk [[/note]]

Transcription Notes:
Same scan as previous page but [[inserted page]] folded back.