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1861 Aug 26 Mon
12th Enc 4th Day 18 Day out

Distances [[symbol: Sun]] & [[symbol: Moon]] by Large Sex with Astronomical Tel
4th on Darkest shade glass.

Index Er. of A. Tel. -2'-15"
h m s | -
3-00-33 | 111°-18'45"
3-03 35 |      17-30
   6-12 |      16-45
   8-25 |      16-00
  11-40 |      14-15

Dis [[symbol: Sun]] & [[symbol: Moon]] N.L.
Small Sex
h m s | - 
3-24-50 | 111°-05'

Meridional Obs for Lat.
I. Er -1-45
- | - | Bearing of [[symbol: Sun]] by Az Com.
IV-50-06 | 72-35-45 | 114
   53-09 |    37-15
   55 23 |    39-15 | 112
   58-28 |    39-22 
 V-00-30 |    39-22 | 110.5
    2-55 |    38-45 | 109.5
    4-23 |    37-52
    7 35 |    37-00
    9-22 |    34-45(?) | 109°  Bad

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1861 Aug 26 Mon
12th Enc 4th Day 18 D out

Meridional Obs concluded
h m s | -
V-11-53 | 73°-34'-00
Bad indeed = V-13-48 | 30-00 (?)
V-17-10 | 72-28'-45" | 107

Who will sympathise with poor self as [[strikethrough]] he feels [[/strikethrough]] the painful thoughts must fall to my lot when taking observations, to have good Sun, glorious weather, but [[underlined]] bad instruments? [[/underlined]]  The Artificial Horizon is a bore!  So of Sex (large).  
Follow the set obs. just made & see the irregular steps - [[underlined]] especially the 9th & 11th! [[/underlined]]
But 'I must make the best of it'.
I start soon for a tramp in this new unexplored country.
Now top of [[strikethrough]] Ag-le-e-tung [[/strikethrough]] Tu-un-zhung by the Innuit monument.  The hill covered with luxuriant grasses.  The plains - the relics of Innuits.  The three Earth excavations where Innuits made their