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4 Day 
18th day 
Time - I would delight in fixing the Geographical positions of every portion of this noble Bay & the land around it. As it is, I must do the best I can.
The hunting party has not yet returned. Possibly it may continue absent a week. Allokee &^[[his]] Ko-mu[[in blue]] ^[[k]] [[strikethrough]] ny [[/strikethrough]] [[/in blue]] are of the party. When these Innuits go out in this way they make no preparations - carry no tupiks or extra clothing with them. The nights now are indeed cold. [[in blue]] ^ [[/in blue]] [[near & at]] the middle of days & for 4 hours after Meridian they are hot. This afternoon I started with my coat on. But getting to the top of Tu-nu-shu^[[ng]] [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] by the Innuit monument I took it off & left it.
[[end page]]
[[start page]]
{ 5th Day 12th Enc. } Ar-le-e-tung 
{ 19th Day out.     } Head Frobisher Bay
Tuesday, Aug 27th
AM [[underlined]] Calm Fine [[/underlined]] (Cool)
M [[underlined]] Calm Fine [[/underlined]] (Hot)
PM S.E. Fresh Fine Aurora! ^[[Cold]]
I had a capital breakfast, or what I intended for one, this morning laid by last night, but I find on waking up that some dog has stolen in ^[[to the Tupik]] & eaten it up. It consisted of raw [[in blue]] ^[[Z]] [[/in blue]] Oood-noo [[strikethrough]] k [[/strikethrough]] & fried Venison.
The dogs are a nuisance, tho' not always - not when one has a journey to perform ^[[in Winter]] & a heavy load to carry.
The rein-deer wh. Koo-jes-se shot the day of our arrival ^[[(Friday P.M.)]], head of Frobisher Bay, had a noble set of antlers ^[[completely]] covered with fine fur. I saved the head & antlers, ^[[one fore & one hind leg with hoofs]] & backed them with the skin & some of the Venison from the mountain side where 

Transcription Notes:
edited to denote inserts and add strikethroughs