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5th Day  
12 Enc.  
19th Day 
After I finished the [[strikethrough]] se [[/strikethrough]] ^[[preceding]] obs & was putting up my instruments in the Tupik, Puto came in with her infant on her back, & in her hand a [[strikethrough]] luscious [[/strikethrough]] a disk of lusc^[[i]]ous berries that she has picked this afternoon presenting same to me. Of course I gave her some needles & plug of tobacco in return. ^[[With a few exceptions]] I never knew an Innuit to make a present but that he or she expected some present in return. By the by the berries are of various kinds - Bluberries called by Innuits Ki-o-ti-ung-nung - 
King-ming-nung - a small berry
Kud-lar another kind
Poung-nung a small black berry that has the appearance ^[[(but not the taste)]] of blue-berry.  [[strikethrough]] except color [[/strikethrough]]
Some of the berries are ripe but greater part of them green - unripe I mean.
[[line with loop]]
The council with "Susy" ^[[(prob Koo-on-le-ung)]] [[strikethrough in blue]] Tron-oong Ak-chuk-ex-zhung [[/strikethrough in blue]] of my Boat's crew & Ning-u-ar-pung. The Cod-fish - return of Jack making up a crew to go to the other side of the Bay - evening walk setting Sun - fine weather - Moon
[[end page]]
[[start page]]
5th Day  
12th Eve.  
This eve while in Tupik doing up my writing for the day, I was visited by several of the Innuits among whom was "Susy" ^[[(Twer-oong(?))]] & Ning-u-ar-ping, both well acquainted with this part of the country. I tried to get the former when she 1st called, to sketch me Kin-gaite side of Frobisher Bay as well as the coast about here - but she having never used the pencil felt reluctant to attempt its use so she called loudly for Ning-u-ar ping who soon came running with all haste in [[strikethrough]] answr [[/strikethrough]] answer to her call. She told him what I wanted & that he must assist her. I gave him paper & pencil & he proceeded giving me very good ideas of the Kin-gaite side. While [[strikethrough]] sh [[/strikethrough]] engaged in conversation I asked them relative to Ag-goun[[guess]] the name of the terminating Inlet of the West side of Frobisher Bay. They in answer ^[[said]] that a large river entered it - larger than the one ([[strikethrough]] Cynthia [[/strikethrough]] [[in blue]] ^[[Sylvia]] [[/in blue]] [[/strikethrough]] Grinnell's) by the side of wh. we have our 12th Encampment.

Transcription Notes:
edited to denote inserts and add strikethroughs