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1861 Aug 27 Tues
5 Day  12 Enc.  19 Day

It is nearly level & for smoothness almost would do to boast in comparison to Cape May, Newport or Nahant in the States.    When tide is out sea Islands about here can be visited dry shod.
The bottom between this & [[?Shumung]] - the small Island 48 mile distant E. between us & [[strikethrough]] river Cynthia [[/strikethrough]] Sylvia Grinnell river - is covered with boulders.  Many huge rocks are scattered here & there among them.  Here rocks are the work of the ice, no doubt, which picks them up from mountain bases & brings them along depositing them where they are.  I was interested in crossing the bottom this eve in the great quantity of fossil stone scattered around among the boulders.  I met with much trouble in many places in crossing this bottom.  In much of the way where all was covered with boulders as I stepped, down I went as if in a quag-mire.
The night is glorious.  The sun left the sky in crimson purple & all the varied shades that go to make up one of God's beautiful pictures in these regions.  The Moon now walks up the starry course in majesty & beauty.  The Aurora in the Southern sky is demonstrating its dancing propensities, Cotillion like to-night 

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{6th Day  12th Enc.  20th Day Out.}
Wednesday Aug 28th 1861

AM  NW  Light  [[underlined]] Fine [[/underlined]] = {Heavy Frost Last Night}
M   S.E.  Modt. breeze  [[underlined]] Fine [[/underlined]]
P.M.  SE  Light [[underlined]] Fine [[/underlined]] but Cool

Another day of beautiful, glorious weather.  Jack [[?(Ang-u-wen-sung)]] called on me early this Morning presenting with the 2 Reindeer tongues of the game he has secured since + [[Sunday]].
Last eve, I received another bountiful present from an Innuit, of ripe Pung-nuns (small berries).  They taste very much like wild cherries.  Nevertheless they are good eating.  But what carries me nearest home is the eating [[underlined]] blueberries [[/underlined]] - they are so like in looks & taste to what we have there.  They grow however here upon bushes that rival [[underlined]] in towering up [[/underlined]] [[strikethrough]] the height of [[/strikethrough]] the shell of a ground snail - say 3/4 to 1 inch hight.