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1861 Aug 28 Wedns
6th Day 12 Enc 20 Day Out

AM Obs for Time &c

On   33'-30"
     30 -00
   2) 3 -30
Index Er -1-54"

h m s | - | -
1-37-43 | 50-30
  39-08 |    45 | = 167.5
  41-47 | 51-15
  43-16 |    30 | = 166.5
  44-33 |    45
  45-57 | 52-00
  47-25 |    15 | 166

Small Sex for [[symbol: Moon]]
- | h m s | - | -
[[symbol: Moon]] | 2- 9-40 | F.L. | 75°-10'
[[symbol: Moon]] |   16-00 | F.L. | 73-55

Large Sex Small Tel.
- | h m s | - | -
[[symbol: Sun]] | 2-11-56 | N.L. | 56°-30'
[[symbol: Sun]] |   18-50 | N.L. | 57-35-30

Large Sex. Small Tel.
- | h m s | - | -
[[symbol: Sun]] & [[symbol: Moon]] | 2-13-50 | N.L. | 89°-45'-15"
[[symbol: Sun]] & [[symbol: Moon]] | 2 21-45 | N.L. | 89-41-45

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1861 Aug 28 Wedns  
6th Day 12 Enc. 20th day out

[[symbol: Sun]] & [[symbol: Moon]] T. & Distances N.L.

h m s | -
2-28-10 | 89°-36'-15"
  31-50 |     35-00
  35-55 |     33-30
  39-30 |     31-45
  41-10 |     31-15

Large Sex. Astronomical Telescope
On   34'-15"
Off  29 -00
    2)5 15
Index Error -2'-37.5

Meridian Observation
Altitude [[symbol: Sun]]/[[symbol:Sun]]  71°-15'  Index error -1'-45"
[[symbol: Sun]] by Az. Compass showed 68° [[underlined]] Variation [[/underlined]] W.