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1861 Aug 28 Wedns
6th Day  12 Enc.  20th Day

Ning-u-ar-ping & Jack have just (1 PM) brought me in present of two fine Salmon each measuring 20 inches each in length.  The Innuits call large Salmon Eh-er-loo, small Salmon Eh-er-loo-ung.  What a fine supper I shall have!  The most delicious fish in the world this "Salmo Rossii".
Salmon are caught by the Innuits with a hook affixed upon a stick wh. answers for a handle.  They are also caught by spearing them with a peculiar instrument the Innuits manufacture themselves.
Miner ([[space]]) Koo-per-neu-ung, Allokee & the rest of the party except Koo-jesse & Koodloo that started out last  + [[symbol: Cross]] returned at three O'Clk P.M.
Koo-per-neu-ung of my crew has shot 5 Took-too (& one Seal - 1 Duck
Minn ([[space]]) -  4 " " [[dittos for: Took-too]]
Allokee -  1 " " [[dittos for: Took-too]]
Kap-e-u -  1 " " [[dittos for: Took-too]]
[[total]] 11
How many Koo-jes-se & Kood-loo have, shall know soon.

[[end page]]
[[start page]]

1861 Aug 28 Wedns
6th Day 12th Enc - 20th Day Out

P.M. Obs for Time &c.

On =   33-30
Off =  30-30
     2) 3-00
Index Er. -1'-30"

h m s | - | -
VIII-15-53 | 50°-45' | 59.5
     17-42 | 50°-25'

h m s | -
VIII-21-15 | 49°-45'
     22-40 | 49 30
     24-00 | 49 15
     25-17 | 49 00
     26-33 | 48-45
VIII-21-54.3 Mean of this T obs.  This set worked up.  See Supplement.
49°-32' 51.4" Mean of the T obs.

Time noted about every 4 minutes as below.
h m s | - | [[symbol: Sun]] By Az. Compass
VIII-31-40 | 47°-47'-15" | 56°
     35-37 | 47-02'-00 | 55°
     39-43 | 46-12-15 | 54°
     43-37 | 45-25-00 | 53°
     47-42 | 44-38-30 | 52°

This Morning (IX o'clk) Bluff of Ki-Ki-tuk-ju-a bore by Az. Compass - 163°
at 4 PM it bore - 165°
VIII PM " " [[dittos for: it bore]] - 164°
Showing a Annual Variation of 2° - at least, this was today's change in the Magnetic needle.