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1861 Aug 30 Fri
13th Enc  22d Day Out  2d Day 13 Enc.

off took-too-ing.  The weather being disagreeable they returned this eve.  To-morrow morning I must conclude arrangements to go down on Kin-gaite side.  If possible will secure Mr. Miner ([[space]]) & his Company to go with us to Ag-goun stopping there a few days I exploring the whole of the Head of Frobisher Bay & then to have him ("Mr M") & Co accompany us along down the Bay, Kin-gaite side as far as Ki-Ki-tuk-ju-a - a thence to it & across to N.E. side then to Ni-oun-te-lik - thence Home that is to the "George Henry" wh. will be either in Rescue Bay or Budington (Oo-kood-lear) Bay.

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Arrive At 14th Encampment, Eve 31st  23d Day out

Saturday, Aug. 31st 1861

AM  [[underlined]] Calm [[/underlined]] Fog & thick weather [[symbol: Sun]] dimly out now & then
M  S.E.  Light - Fog & " " [[dittos for: thick weather]]
PM  S.E.  " [[ditto for: Light]] Fog & thick weather

This Morning had a good wash the first thing with snow!  Not snow of this season, however.  How aged it was I know not - perhaps of many winters ago - but notwithstanding it may be very old yet it was fresh & white.  It gave me clean cool hands & face which indeed are luxurious in these regions or any other.  By the side of this friendly drift was abundant luxuriant vegetation, [[underlined]] green & fruitful! [[/underlined]]  Blueberries all around.  I had a capital feast of them wh. I picked with rather cold, stiff fingers.  There is no place where there is a greater variety of vegetation in the same space as is to be found here.  In a little