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1861 Sept 1 + [[symbol: Cross]]
15 Enc.  24th Day Out

& exciting noise from the crew of approaching Boat.  I looked out & soon devised the cause.  A White Whale was shooting with almost lightning speed just beheath the surface of the very shallow waters here, from the estuary of the river out toward the Main Bay.  I could see plainly this frightened northern beluga, [[underlined]] Beluga Catodon, [[/underlined]] moving in its great swiftness.  It was a sight worthy the cause of the shouting voices wh. made the regions about ring!  Koo-per-neu-ung was in this Boat - but I could perceive that he was not in a very pleasant humour as I supposed & believe so still at my making this point the 15th Enc.  While unladening the Boat, as his noo-loo-an-a- was walking through the deep mud through wh. we were obliged to pass to get to grass land with a heavy load on her shoulders for some spite he threw with all skill & force that is required to make fast to an Ook-gook, the Hood-handled [[note]] Wood or Hook? H. [[/note]] instrument used in catching young seals in Spring when within the Seal Igloos on the ice.  The wife turned deliberately took it from her jacket to wh. it had become fast & walked on.  I thought it a cruel act & so it was.  The Innuits chastise their wives for any offence either real or imaginary - seizing to 1st thing at hand whether it be a stone - a knife, hatchet or spear, throwing the same at them just as they do to their dogs!

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1861 Sept 1 + [[symbol: Cross]]
15th Enc.  24th Day Out

But old Too-loo-ka-ah Allokee was not among those in the other Boat - he had remained to direct his course along the mountains for took-too-ing.  All were now in 15th Enc. on the arrival of Miner's Boat save Koo-jes-se & Too-loo-ka-ah Al-lo-kee.  The only way for them to get to us was to come to opposite side of river & await our sending for them.
At VIII P.M. Koo-jes-se made his appearance at the river's bank.  I espied him & sent Koo-per-neu-ung with Ki-a to ferry over.  Now a Kia has but one hole in it for the one who uses Ki-a.  If a 2d person is to be carried anywhere upon Ki-a he or she must take position directly behind Ki-ah-er (my [[strikethrough]] phrase [[/strikethrough]] word) lying flat on the face of perfectly straight & still.  Thus was Koo-jes-se brought over.  Half an hour elapsed when good old Allokee arrived at same place.  With Ki-a he was brought him over same as K.  
During the P.M. & Eve I have been up to the